Ted and Tilly and The Great Discovery
Ted and Tilly and The Great Discovery
Ted and Tilly live in a dark cave, until one day Tilly makes a discovery that could change both of their lives forever! This story has two hidden messages, can you find them?
This book is a metaphor for two of the most important skills that children and adults can learn, and something that collectively we believe the world needs in greater abundance. You and your child will attach your own meaning to this story, ironically, this is one of the secret messages hidden within these pages - that we see the world the way it is for us, and so every person perceives things differently.
There is a second message that will prove to be personal and may require some reflection. We are all living bound by some form of constraint. In this story, the cave is a metaphor for those constraints. When we realise that many of these constraints are self-imposed, then we can change our life. As carers, we have a responsibility to instil these values by modelling them ourselves.